EAS and Trauma

1 with HHRF Logo.png

John Kundtz (HHRF board member) has been working hard behind the scenes on a podcast about EAS and Trauma for HHRF.

John's podcast partner Jan released the podcast Saturday and it is available wherever you listen to podcasts. You can use this link to navigate the show at pod.link/1434797392 or search for the apex podcast and look for the black triangle Apex Logo.

John published a Medium Article entitled Why Equine Assisted Services Matter. He also posted on The Disruptor LinkedIn page

John asked one favor (maybe 3) - If you would subscribe to The Disruptor Channel on YouTube and follow their LinkedIn page - that would be great - The YouTube channel is just launching so the more subscribers they can get the better. They will be publishing the video of the show on YourTube once completed.

The third thing would be to subscribe to The Apex Podcast as well.