Funded Research

HHRF has been funding competitive research since its founding. Listed below are all of the awarded projects, including copies of their winning applications and copies of final reports and abstracts when available.

Grant Application page.


Measurement of brain activation responses to equine interactions in youth with autism during a 10-week manual based therapeutic horseback riding intervention

Primary focus area of the investigation:

Youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are often served with equine-assisted services (EAS); however, the mechanisms of how EAS positively impact this population remains unclear. Most research has examined the efficacy of EAS using simple measures of stress and emotion regulation, such as heart rate variability. Given that the primary cause of ASD is believed to be a disconnection in the front portion of the brain, we hypothesize that the human-horse interaction improves the functioning in these brain regions. This will be the first study to examine the brain responses of youth with ASD during an empirically validated 10-week manual-based therapeutic horseback riding (THR) intervention while also measuring stress-state of the horse in real-time. This study will identify how human-horse interaction regulates the brain of youth with ASD and how this relates to previously observed social and behavioral outcomes. This line of research has far-reaching implications, including improving the rigor of research methodologies, human and equine intervention implementation. To achieve this, 20-youth with ASD will engage in 10-weekly, 1-hour THR lessons, while wearing measures of brain activation (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) and heart rate variability. Participants’ horses’ heart rate variability will be measured during this 10-week manual-based THR intervention.

Principal Investigator Name and Title: Cory M. Smith, Assistant Professor

Contact Name and Title: Lisa Langlotz, Senior University Research Administrator


Neurological rehabilitation through hippotherapy on the neurofunctional sequels of a brain stroke:

(I) Effect on the functional independence, sensorimotor and cognitive capacities, and quality of life of the patients

(II) Effect on quality of life of the caregivers.

Primary Focus Area: The objective of the study is to analyze the effect on the functional and global impact of a 22-week hippotherapy treatment on patients who have suffered a stroke resulting in moderate to severe disability. A second purpose is to measure the impact of the intervention on the quality of life of their caregivers. The main evaluation criterion is the patient's functional independence measured by a validated clinical score. Secondary Application Form 0210, 4 evaluation criteria include the patient's degree of functional disability, motor status, postural balance, gait performance, and quality of life. Quality of life and caregiver’s burden are also assessed. The type of study proposed is a prospective randomized clinical trial on the effectiveness of hippotherapy (treatment group) versus conventional outpatient rehabilitation alone (control group). The program will be implemented during the first year after the stroke and will last one year for each patient.

Principal Investigator: Manuel GAVIRIA, MD, PhD


A proof of concept study of functional near infrared spectroscopy to elucidate neurophysiological mechanism of action of equine-assisted services

Primary focus area of the investigation: Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying benefits of equine-assisted services

Principal Investigator Name and Title: Beth Lanning, PhD. Associate Chair, Professor of Public Health, Cory Smith. Co-Investigator(s): PhD. Baylor University, William (Bill) Marchand, MD, LFAPA, University of Utah and VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, Elena Nazarenko, MS, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System | Funded 2023 | Status: Funded

Application Final Report Lay Summary of Study

Psychophysiological effects of Equine-assisted therapy on horses and in veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI | Principal Investigator: Laurie McDuffee, DVM, PhD, DACVS | Funded 2019 | Status: Completed

Application Midway Report Final Report Project Presentation

Published in Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health | Download as PDF

“The Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of a Manualized Equine-assisted Occupational Therapy Intervention for Children with Autism" 

Colorado State University, Temple Grandin Equine Center, Fort Collins, CO | Principal Investigator: B. Caitlin Peters, Ph.D., OTR/L, Post-Doctoral Associate | Funded 2018 | Status: Published

Publications: Peters, B. C., Wood, W., Hepburn, S., & Merritt, T. (2020). The Feasibility and Acceptability of Occupational Therapy in an Equine Environment for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders80.

Application Mid Way Report Final Report Publication

“Tracking Kinematic and Kinetic Data during Horse Riding for Optimizing Therapeutic Outcomes" 

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX | Principal Investigator: Pilwon Hur, PhD | Funded 2017 | Status: Publication in Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, JNER-D-21-00101R1.

Priscilla Lightsey, Yonghee Lee, Nancy Krenek, and Pilwon Hur, "Physical therapy treatments incorporating equine movement: a pilot study exploring interactions between children with cerebral palsy and the horse", Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 18:132, 2021

Priscilla Lightsey, Yonghee Lee, Nancy Krenek, Pilwon Hur, "Physical Therapy Incorporating Equine Movement: Kinetic Interactions Children with Cerebral Palsy and the Horse", HETI International Congress, June 7 - 10, Seoul, Korea, 2021

Application Mid Way Report Final Report Publication

“The Effect of Therapeutic Riding on Stress Levels in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders" 

Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA | Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Kemeny, PhD | Funded 2016 | Status: Publication in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, DOI 10.1007/s10803-021-05136-z

Application    Midway Report Final Report Publication

“Can Horses Distinguish Between Neurotypical and Mentally Traumatized Humans?”

University of Guelph, Guelph, ON. Canada | Principal Investigator : Katrina Merkies, PhD | Funded 2015 | Publications: Applied Animal Behaviour Science Volume 205, August 2018, Pages 61-67

Application     Abstract Publication

“Examination of the Effects of Equine Assisted Activities on PTSD Symptoms, Quality of Life and Participation in Combat Veterans”

Baylor University, Waco, TX | Principal Investigator: Dr. Beth Lanning | Funded 2014 | Publication : Beth A. Lanning, Amelia L. Wilson, Nancy Krenek & A. Alexander Beaujean (2017) Using Therapeutic Riding as an Intervention for Combat Veterans: An International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) Approach, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 33:3, 259-278, DOI: 10.1080/0164212X.2017.1283282

Application     Final Report Publication article

“Effects of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy on Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Male Youth”

Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA | Principal Investigator:  Dr. Megan Mueller | Funded 2013 | Status: Published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies 2017. Mueller, M.K., McCullough, L. Effects of Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy on Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Youth. J Child Fam Stud 26, 1164–1172 (2017).

Application     Final Report Publication

“Effects of Equine-Assisted Activities on PTSD Symptoms, Coping Self-Efficacy, Emotion Regulation, and Social Engagement in Military Veterans” 

University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA | Principal Investigator: Dr. Rebecca Johnson | Funded 2012 | Publication:  Johnson, R.A., Albright, D. L., Marzolf, J. R., Bibbo, J. L., Yaglom, H. D., Crowder, S. M., Carlisle, G. M., Grindler, K., Willard, A., Wassman, M., Russell, C. L., & Osterlind, S.  (2018). Effects of therapeutic horseback riding on military veteran’s posttraumatic stress disorder. Military Medical Research Journal 5, 3. doi: 10.1186/s40779-018-0149-6.

Application     Final Report     Project Update Publication Article Quantitative Paper

“Effects of Hippotherapy on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”

Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA | Principal Investigator: Tim Shurtleff | Funded 2011 | Status: Pilot study published in American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Nov/Dec 2013.

Application     Final Report

“Basic Neurobiological and Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Therapeutic Effects of Equine Assisted Activities (EAA/T)”

University of Rostock, Germany | Principal Investigators: Dr. Andrea Beetz, Dr. Henri Julius, Dr. Kurt Kotrschal, and Dr. Kerstin Uvnas-Moberg | Funded 2010

Medien & Materialien: Henri Julius, Andrea Beetz, Kurt Kotrschal, Dennis Turner, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg: Bindung zu Tieren. Psychologische und neurobiologische Grundlagen tiergestützter Interventionen   (Psychological and neurobiological aspects to animal assisted interventions; published in Mensch und pferd (human and Horse international 2014))

Riedel, Meike

mensch & pferd international, 09/23/2014, Vol.6(4), p.187    

Application   Abstract Publication

“Effects of Hippotherapy on Balance and Gait in Ambulatory Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy”

Central Michigan University, USA. Principal Investigators: Debbie Silkwood-Sherer and Nancy McGibbon. Funded 2010. Status: Pilot study published in Physical Therapy, Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association May, 2012. Published : Debbie J. Silkwood-Sherer & Nancy H. McGibbon (2020) Can hippotherapy make a difference in the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy? A pragmatic study, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2020.1759167

Application     Final Report Publication

“Hippotherapy to Improve Postural Control in Children with Cerebral Palsy”

 Université de Sherbrooke - Quebec, Canada. Principal Investigators: Dr. Helene Corriveau, Dr. Claude Dugas, Danielle Champagne. Funded 2010. Status: Submitted for publication.

Application     Abstract

“The Effect of Equine Assisted Activities on the Social Functioning in Children with Autism”

Good Hope Equestrian Training Center - Miami, FL, USA. Principal Investigator: Dr. Margaret Bass. Funded 2008. Status: Submitted for publication, pilot study results published in the Journal for Autism & Developmental Disorders.

 Application     Abstract

“Improvement in Trunk/Head Stability and Upper Extremity Control after HPOT”

Washington University School of Medicine, Program in Occupational Therapy - St. Louis, MO.  Principal Investigators: Tim Shurtleff, Dr. Jack Engsberg, Dr. John Standeven. Funded 2006. Status: Published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2009 Jul;90(7):1185-95. 

Application     Abstract