The lasting impact of bequests—both large and small—has helped shape equine therapy research. For many friends of HHRF, a charitable bequest is the easiest and best way to make a gift to the support our mission and work. By means of your will or other estate plan, you can name HHRF as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate, or of particular assets in your estate. There are many reasons to make a bequest. A bequest allows you to honor a loved one, while providing critical support to the Horses and Humans Research Foundation through a legacy fund, or another fund underwriting research and operations.
Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it will certainly provide you a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future gift will live on at HHRF.
You can use the following assets to fund a bequest:
Appreciated Securities
Tangible Personal Property
Closely Held Stock
There are various types of bequests that will benefit HHRF:
Cash Bequest: HHRF receives a specific dollar amount from your estate.
Bequest of Property: HHRF receives specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible personal property (for example, works of art or antiques).
Residuary Bequest: HHRF receives all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after the payment of any specific bequests and expenses.
Retirement Plan: HHRF is designated as a beneficiary of the remainder of your IRA or qualified pension or profit-sharing plan.
A lead trust can be established through a bequest: HHRF receives income for a term of years from the trust, after which the assets pass to your beneficiaries, often at a much-reduced tax cost.
Benefits of a Bequest
Federal Estate Tax Savings
An outright gift to HHRF from your estate—whatever the amount, and whether it is expendable or for endowment—is entirely free from federal estate taxes. This means the Foundation is able to use the full amount of the bequest, whereas if it were left to an individual, a significant amount might go to federal estate taxes. Also, bequests generally are not subject to state inheritance or estate taxes.
Other Advantages of Bequests
You may create a separate fund named for yourself or in the name of someone you wish to honor. Named funds remain visible in the HHRF and equine community because of the people and activities they support. This visibility also encourages others to give.
It is important that you consult with a member of the HHRF staff and note that the minimum dollar amount to establish a named fund at HHRF is $25,000.
The Future Use of Your Bequest
You have several options when making gifts by bequest. Here are a few for your consideration:
Unrestricted Bequests: The use of your gift is left to the discretion of the HHRF Board. Such bequests are extremely valuable, as they allow the Foundation to flexibly and imaginatively meet future needs.
Restricted Bequests: These support ongoing specific HHRF needs such as high priority research initiatives or operations. Because each restricted bequest is unique, HHRF encourages donors considering this type of gift to speak with our Executive Director.
Endowed Funds: Endowment gifts provide income every year in perpetuity to carry out the designated purpose of the gift, with the goal of preserving the real value of the gift.
Expendable Funds: The entire gift may be spent, generally within a relatively short time frame.
Thank you for believing in us. For more information and to learn more about our gift acceptance policy, please contact Chloe Garrison at
The Horses and Humans Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number (EIN) is 81-0650878.