education committee
Dr. Debra Thompson
Dr. Debra K. Thompson has 37 years in healthcare including various clinical and leadership roles across multiple settings. Her graduate and doctoral education focused on translating nursing and evidence based research findings to frontline clinical application and development of population health programs. Currently, Debra serves as a clinical population health leader and nurse practitioner in eastern North Carolina. She is co-founder and co-owner of Follow My Lead, an equine leadership and personal development business. Her dream of becoming a horse owner came to fruition four years ago with Lady Dreamwalker and now a small herd of four keeps life interesting!
“I believe the connection between horses and humans is powerful and revealing of your true self.” When asked if she could choose a photograph to illustrate horses and humans, what would it be? “I think two key elements to illustrate horses and humans are a mirror and truth serum. Horses read our body language, sense what we are thinking before we speak, and accurately assesses qualities such as trust and awareness. Horses are true educators and give unbiased feedback- something very difficult for humans to do.” Dr. Thompson became a Level 1 Certified Practitioner through the Equine Experiential Education Association (E3A) in 2020. Her interests include sharing the horse-human connection with others and the impact on individuals, teams, and leaders through focused reflection and engagement with the horse as co-facilitator.
“Through the Education, Communication, and Strategic Planning subcommittee, colleagues share knowledge and awareness of the impact horses have on our overall wellbeing. I’m excited to be part of this dynamic committee and look forward to supporting HHRF’s mission to support research and share knowledge of the horse and human connection with others. HHRF has an exciting year ahead!”