Posts tagged Texas A&M University
Final Report: “Tracking Kinematic and Kinetic Data during Horse Riding for Optimizing Therapeutic Outcomes"

The final report is now available from the 2017 HHRF Funded Project entitled “Tracking Kinematic and Kinetic Data during Horse Riding for Optimizing Therapeutic Outcomes". The Principal Investigator was Pilwon Hur, PhD, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Read the report

“This study is a pilot study investigating the relation between functional improvement due to equine therapy and the interaction between the horses and the patients with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Due to the limited sample size (n=4), we couldn’t definitely make the conclusion. However, the following conclusion is drawn: Walking functional improvement of children with CP is related to the level of interaction between the children with CP and horses. Even though the causal relation is not found yet, it is suggested that encouraging the children with CP the interaction with horses will have positive effect in their functional enhancement.”